







<script type="application/ld+json">
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     "name": "谷歌seo之结构化数据标记重要性",
     "author": {
     "@type": "Person",
     "name": "Mary Stone"
     "datePublished": "2018-03-10",
     "description": "Google搜索中结构化数据标记是一种可以通过向网页添加特定的标记",
     "prepTime": "PT20M"
<p><i>by Mary Stone, 2018-03-10</i></p>
   <p> 来帮助搜索引擎更好地理解网页内容的技术。 </p>





常见问题解答 (FAQ) 页包含一系列有关特定主题的问题和回答。常见问题解答 (FAQ) 页包含一系列有关特定主题的问题和答案。如果您正确标记了 FAQ 页,它们可能会在 Google 搜索中显示为富媒体搜索结果,并可通过 Google 助理的 Action,帮助您的网站覆盖合适的用户。下面是 FAQ 富媒体搜索结果的示例:

                                                                                <title>Example Site - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)</title>
                                                                                <script type="application/ld+json">
                                                                                  "@context": "",
                                                                                  "@type": "FAQPage",
                                                                                  "mainEntity": [{
                                                                                    "@type": "Question",
                                                                                    "name": "What is the return policy?",
                                                                                    "acceptedAnswer": {
                                                                                      "@type": "Answer",
                                                                                      "text": "<p>Most unopened items in new condition and returned within <b>90 days</b> will receive a refund or exchange. Some items have a modified return policy noted on the receipt or packing slip. Items that are opened or damaged or do not have a receipt may be denied a refund or exchange. Items purchased online or in-store may be returned to any store.</p><p>Online purchases may be returned via a major parcel carrier. <a href=> Click here </a> to initiate a return.</p>"
                                                                                  }, {
                                                                                    "@type": "Question",
                                                                                    "name": "How long does it take to process a refund?",
                                                                                    "acceptedAnswer": {
                                                                                      "@type": "Answer",
                                                                                      "text": "We will reimburse you for returned items in the same way you paid for them. For example, any amounts deducted from a gift card will be credited back to a gift card. For returns by mail, once we receive your return, we will process it within 4–5 business days. It may take up to 7 days after we process the return to reflect in your account, depending on your financial institution's processing time."
                                                                                  }, {
                                                                                    "@type": "Question",
                                                                                    "name": "What is the policy for late/non-delivery of items ordered online?",
                                                                                    "acceptedAnswer": {
                                                                                      "@type": "Answer",
                                                                                      "text": "<p>Our local teams work diligently to make sure that your order arrives on time, within our normaldelivery hours of 9AM to 8PM in the recipient's time zone. During  busy holiday periods like Christmas, Valentine's and Mother's Day, we may extend our delivery hours before 9AM and after 8PM to ensure that all gifts are delivered on time. If for any reason your gift does not arrive on time, our dedicated Customer Service agents will do everything they can to help successfully resolve your issue.</p><p><a href=>Click here</a> to complete the form with your order-related question(s).</p>"
                                                                                  }, {
                                                                                    "@type": "Question",
                                                                                    "name": "When will my credit card be charged?",
                                                                                    "acceptedAnswer": {
                                                                                      "@type": "Answer",
                                                                                      "text": "We'll attempt to securely charge your credit card at the point of purchase online. If there's a problem, you'll be notified on the spot and prompted to use another card. Once we receive verification of sufficient funds, your payment will be completed and transferred securely to us. Your account will be charged in 24 to 48 hours."
                                                                                  }, {
                                                                                    "@type": "Question",
                                                                                    "name": "Will I be charged sales tax for online orders?",
                                                                                    "acceptedAnswer": {
                                                                                      "@type": "Answer",
                                                                                      "text":"Local and State sales tax will be collected if your recipient's mailing address is in: <ul><li>Arizona</li><li>California</li><li>Colorado</li></ul>"}

Google 搜索在搜索结果和 Google 知识面板中使用哪张图片作为贵组织的徽标。Google 搜索使用用例示例中的标记来识别要用作组织徽标的图片。这样可确保该图片尽可能显示在有关该公司的搜索结果中。此类标记会明确地告知 Google 搜索算法:应在知识面板中显示该图片。

                                                                                <title>About Us</title>
                                                                                <script type="application/ld+json">
                                                                                  "@context": "",
                                                                                  "@type": "Organization",
                                                                                  "url": "",
                                                                                  "logo": ""

评价摘要是来自评价网站的简短评价摘录或评分,通常是众多评价者给出的综合评分的平均值。当 Google 发现有效的评价或评分标记时,可能会显示丰富网页摘要,其中包含根据评价或评分得出的星级和其他摘要信息。除了文字评价之外,还有数字分制(如 1 到 5)的评分。评价摘要可能会出现在富媒体搜索结果或 Google 知识面板中。您可以为以下内容类型(和子类型)提供评分:

                                                                              <title>Legal Seafood</title>
                                                                                <script type="application/ld+json">
                                                                                  "@context": "",
                                                                                  "@type": "Review",
                                                                                  "itemReviewed": {
                                                                                    "@type": "Restaurant",
                                                                                    "image": "",
                                                                                    "name": "Legal Seafood",
                                                                                    "servesCuisine": "Seafood",
                                                                                    "priceRange": "$$$",
                                                                                    "telephone": "1234567",
                                                                                    "address" :{
                                                                                      "@type": "PostalAddress",
                                                                                      "streetAddress": "123 William St",
                                                                                      "addressLocality": "New York",
                                                                                      "addressRegion": "NY",
                                                                                      "postalCode": "10038",
                                                                                      "addressCountry": "US"
                                                                                  "reviewRating": {
                                                                                    "@type": "Rating",
                                                                                    "ratingValue": "4"
                                                                                  "name": "A good seafood place.",
                                                                                  "author": {
                                                                                    "@type": "Person",
                                                                                    "name": "Bob Smith"
                                                                                  "publisher": {
                                                                                    "@type": "Organization",
                                                                                    "name": "Washington Times"


                                                                                <title>The title of the page</title>
                                                                                <script type="application/ld+json">
                                                                                  "@context": "",
                                                                                  "@type": "WebSite",
                                                                                  "url": "",
                                                                                  "potentialAction": {
                                                                                    "@type": "SearchAction",
                                                                                    "target": {
                                                                                      "@type": "EntryPoint",
                                                                                      "urlTemplate": "{search_term_string}"
                                                                                    "query-input": "required name=search_term_string"

Google 搜索是用户查找并观看视频的切入点。虽然 Google 会尝试自动了解视频的详细信息,但是您可以使用 VideoObject 来标记视频,以明确提供说明、缩略图网址、上传日期和时长等信息。视频可以显示在 Google 搜索结果、视频搜索结果、Google 图片和 Google 探索中。

                                                                                <title>Introducing the self-driving bicycle in the Netherlands</title>
                                                                                <script type="application/ld+json">
                                                                                  "@context": "",
                                                                                  "@type": "VideoObject",
                                                                                  "name": "Introducing the self-driving bicycle in the Netherlands",
                                                                                  "description": "This spring, Google is introducing the self-driving bicycle in Amsterdam, the world's premier cycling city. The Dutch cycle more than any other nation in the world, almost 900 kilometres per year per person, amounting to over 15 billion kilometres annually. The self-driving bicycle enables safe navigation through the city for Amsterdam residents, and furthers Google's ambition to improve urban mobility with technology. Google Netherlands takes enormous pride in the fact that a Dutch team worked on this innovation that will have great impact in their home country.",
                                                                                  "thumbnailUrl": [
                                                                                  "uploadDate": "2016-03-31T08:00:00+08:00",
                                                                                  "duration": "PT1M54S",
                                                                                  "contentUrl": "",
                                                                                  "embedUrl": "",
                                                                                  "interactionStatistic": {
                                                                                    "@type": "InteractionCounter",
                                                                                    "interactionType": { "@type": "WatchAction" },
                                                                                    "userInteractionCount": 5647018
                                                                                  "regionsAllowed": "US,NL"

当您向商品页面添加结构化数据后,Google 搜索结果(包括 Google 图片和 Google 智能镜头中的搜索结果)能够以更丰富的方式显示商品信息。用户可以直接在搜索结果中查看价格、库存状况、评价评分、配送信息等。

                                                                                <title>Executive Anvil</title>
                                                                                <script type="application/ld+json">
                                                                                  "@context": "",
                                                                                  "@type": "Product",
                                                                                  "name": "Executive Anvil",
                                                                                  "description": "Sleeker than ACME's Classic Anvil, the Executive Anvil is perfect for the business traveler looking for something to drop from a height.",
                                                                                  "review": {
                                                                                    "@type": "Review",
                                                                                    "reviewRating": {
                                                                                      "@type": "Rating",
                                                                                      "ratingValue": 4,
                                                                                      "bestRating": 5
                                                                                    "author": {
                                                                                      "@type": "Person",
                                                                                      "name": "Fred Benson"
                                                                                  "aggregateRating": {
                                                                                    "@type": "AggregateRating",
                                                                                    "ratingValue": 4.4,
                                                                                    "reviewCount": 89

问答网页是包含问答格式数据(先列出一个问题,后跟相应的答案)的网页。对于表示问题及相应答案的内容,您可以使用 QAPage、Question 和 Answer 类型标记数据。

                                                                                <title>How many ounces are there in a pound?</title>
                                                                                <script type="application/ld+json">
                                                                                  "@context": "",
                                                                                  "@type": "QAPage",
                                                                                  "mainEntity": {
                                                                                    "@type": "Question",
                                                                                    "name": "How many ounces are there in a pound?",
                                                                                    "text": "I have taken up a new interest in baking and keep running across directions in ounces and pounds. I have to translate between them and was wondering how many ounces are in a pound?",
                                                                                    "answerCount": 3,
                                                                                    "upvoteCount": 26,
                                                                                    "acceptedAnswer": {
                                                                                      "@type": "Answer",
                                                                                      "text": "1 pound (lb) is equal to 16 ounces (oz).",
                                                                                      "upvoteCount": 1337,
                                                                                      "url": ""
                                                                                    "suggestedAnswer": [
                                                                                        "@type": "Answer",
                                                                                        "text": "Are you looking for ounces or fluid ounces? If you are looking for fluid ounces there are 15.34 fluid ounces in a pound of water.",
                                                                                        "upvoteCount": 42,
                                                                                        "url": ""
                                                                                      }, {
                                                                                        "@type": "Answer",
                                                                                        "text": " I can't remember exactly, but I think 18 ounces in a lb. You might want to double check that.",
                                                                                        "upvoteCount": 0,
                                                                                        "url": ""

如果您有抽认卡页面,可以通过向其中添加 Quiz 结构化数据来帮助学生更好地找到教育类问题的答案。添加结构化数据后,您的内容将会显示在 Google 搜索结果、Google 助理和 Google 智能镜头搜索结果的知识问答轮播界面中。

                                                                                <title>Cell Transport</title>
                                                                                <script type="application/ld+json">
                                                                                  "@context": "",
                                                                                  "@type": "Quiz",
                                                                                  "about": {
                                                                                    "@type": "Thing",
                                                                                    "name": "Cell Transport"
                                                                                  "educationalAlignment": [
                                                                                      "@type": "AlignmentObject",
                                                                                      "alignmentType": "educationalSubject",
                                                                                      "targetName": "Biology"
                                                                                  "hasPart": [
                                                                                      "@context": "",
                                                                                      "@type": "Question",
                                                                                      "eduQuestionType": "Flashcard",
                                                                                      "text": "This is some fact about receptor molecules.",
                                                                                      "acceptedAnswer": {
                                                                                        "@type": "Answer",
                                                                                        "text": "receptor molecules"
                                                                                      "@context": "",
                                                                                      "@type": "Question",
                                                                                      "eduQuestionType": "Flashcard",
                                                                                      "text": "This is some fact about the cell membrane.",
                                                                                      "acceptedAnswer": {
                                                                                        "@type": "Answer",
                                                                                        "text": "cell membrane"

您可以使用结构化数据标记课程列表,以便潜在学生通过 Google 搜索找到您的课程。您可以提供详细信息,包括课程名称、提供者和简短说明。

                                                                                <title>Introduction to Computer Science and Programming</title>
                                                                                <script type="application/ld+json">
                                                                                  "@context": "",
                                                                                  "@type": "Course",
                                                                                  "name": "Introduction to Computer Science and Programming",
                                                                                  "description": "Introductory CS course laying out the basics.",
                                                                                  "provider": {
                                                                                    "@type": "Organization",
                                                                                    "name": "University of Technology - Eureka",
                                                                                    "sameAs": ""


结构化数据标记的常见格式是使用 JSON-LD、RDFa、Microdata 等。虽然这些格式可能有所不同,但它们都具有相同的功能,即为搜索引擎提供更多关于网页内容的信息。

使用 Google 搜索控制台。可以通过 Google 搜索控制台中的结构化数据报告来检查已添加到网站上的结构化数据。在搜索控制台中单击左侧菜单中的“增强型搜索功能”,然后单击“结构化数据”。此时将出现一个报告,其中包含指向每个错误或警告页面的链接。





结构化数据标记是一种将网页内容以半结构化和标准化格式呈现给搜索引擎的技术。它使用 和其他规范来为图书、产品、企业地址、评分等信息提供详细的描述。结构化数据标记可以帮助搜索引擎理解你的网站,并更好地显示出来。

结构化数据标记对 SEO 的影响是什么?



在网页上实现结构化数据标记需要使用一些 HTML 标签和属性,如 itemtype、itemid、itemprop 和 itemscope 等。你可以通过手动编写代码或使用插件/工具来添加这些标记。谷歌提供了一个名为 Structured Data Testing Tool 的免费工具,用于检查和测试结构化数据标记是否正确。


并非每个页面都需要结构化数据标记,但对于包含详细信息的页面(如产品、评论等)或者企业地址 / 联系方式等页面,结构化数据标记是非常有帮助的。总体而言,如果你想让搜索引擎更好地理解你的网站,并在搜索结果页面上呈现更详细的信息,那么添加结构化数据标记通常是值得的。